Thursday, December 10, 2015
In this book a lot goes on but the whole book has a theme and I think the theme of my book has to do with religion and how the government is trying to confine people to one religion and not let people have freedom to believe what they want to such as Marjane who believes in God and has strong faith in God . Her government also try to cover up the wrong that there doing in their country such as them making there women cover up there identity so it's like it they connect so the same way there covering up what's the truth they make their women cover up there true look and identity .this book has slot of themes but I don't thinks it's right how governments can do this to people like they don't have no morals or care about no one feelings or well being they are monsters . If this was you and you had to run a government could you make people live this way or would you give them freedom with some type of rules just to keep order ?
In my last log post I being to tell you how Marjane was just being to tell her story on how the revolutions is happening in her country and how she was just seeing changes but she was too young to truly understand why it was happening . Well now Marjane is now older and a lot has happened such as people being burned inside of movies theaters ,massacres happen " Black Friday the day there were so many killed in one neighborhood that the Israeli soldiers where responsible for it "pg 39 just from those two incident was just to tell how far the revolution has evolved and how serious it really got .marjane is also starting to have an option to this because she is getting older and what she is going through and her experience . In the book it went from people being told what to wear to people being killed and burned alive in buildings and whole neighborhood kills being to happen to people being a arrested for going gains the government such as siamak and Mohshen . When I read this it all reminded me of another revolutions that we will never forget and that's the holocaust how it all started with Jew having to being identified such as they did with the veils to it becoming extreme to mass killing and people being treated differently because of what they believe in which is wrong this book talks about real events that could happen in any country possibly but I like this being because it's real like books that's sugar coat and tell lies are horrible but books like this that tell real life experience is what people should read.
the book Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi the author explains what she has been threw in her life using more of a comic book look with picture to help explan her story. In the beginng she starts off from when it first starts with the veil. It starts when she is 10 years old in school beings with how they were forced to wear a veil during school ."we didn't really like to wear the veil,especially since we didn't understand why we had to"pg 3 as kids they didn't understand why they had to wear their veils but they really hated it because they had no clue why . This was just the being of her seening change such as "all bilingual schools must be closed , they are symbols of capitalism" pg 4 and she also being separated from her school. All this why happening and she didn't know why because she was young she didn't understand such as when 9/11 happened and we was all young we didn't really understand why it was happening we just knew what we could understand that a building went down but we really didn't know that it was all the beginning to a terroristic war , and same is with her she only know they had to wear the veil but didn't understand that a whole revolution is about to happen in her own country. The beginning of the book is what really pulled me in because its a little girl that's she changes in her country but doesn't understand why it's happen and the whole big picture . It's a good book so far she puts a lot of emotion in this book I would recommend this to someone who likes book that's come from people personal life's .
Monday, October 26, 2015
The Characters
The characters in this book, are really important there isn't really any minor characters. The characters in the story are truly important to how the story comes out and other characters influence other characters to help them make good or bad decisions and also give them their opinion on different situations. The main characters are Quentin Jacobson who is the narrator of the whole story. he is Margo Roth Spiegelman . Quentin is the really good at school and has two other best friends. Another character is Margo Roth Spiegelman the cool girl is who loves mystery if their is a mystery then she will be trying to figure it out no matter what. she tends to leave school and people make rumor that she went to different places. Another important character is Ben Starling a self- proclaiming world's best everything. He is a smart but cocky impulsive liar who says he has done and know everything about females but in reality never had or touched a female. and Radar who is Quentin other best friend who is a human encyclopedia and the go to tech guy, who is he goes to for the best advice on everything in life . but Ben Starling and Radar( Marcus) who is both important characters who are best friends to Quentin and are the ones who influence Quentin the most and help him make hard decision and are the ones who have his back. The last important character is Lacy Pemberton is first described as a terrible person who lies and keeps thinks from people for her own benefit but in reality. Lacy is a fun loving able person who everyone likes and is a friend who really cares about Margo even thought Margo think she is a backstabber because she thought she knew about her boyfriend cheating on her and didn't tell her.
The Author
Paper towns
The book Paper Towns all begins on a usual beautiful Florida day. Quentin Jacobson is playing in his drive way when a girl moves right across the street and as soon as she see this girl he instantly falls in love with her and her name was ,Margo Roth Spiegelman. the two kids become best friends over time because they live across the street from each other even thought he has a secret love for marg. then one day the two nine-year-old kids are playing in the park. The birds are chirping, sun is shining. They are riding around the park until they come upon a man laying under a tree look as if he is in need, so Margo runs over to see he is ok and it so happens that the man happen to be a dead body decomposing . Quentin Jacobson and Margo Roth Spiegelman, run home to tell their parents. disgusted by the sight of the body Quentin wants to push the whole finding-a-dead-body thing from his mind, but Margo finds out the man killed himself and wonders why. so about two nights later Margo sneaks in to Quentin room telling her the info she knows about the man and finds out a clue that he worked a sea world and want to go to look for clues and solve this mystery but when she asks her best friend Quentin. he punks out and tells her he doesn't want to get in trouble. he leaves his best friend alone to go solve it by her self so she leaves and that begins the end to there best friend friendship. Then Nine years later, Margo and Quentin are both now eighteen and seniors in high school. She comes to Quentin's window in the middle of the night. They haven't really talked since the Dead Body Day but now Margo needs a favor. She needs Quentin to drive her around on a spree of revenge against Jase Worthington, who is her boyfriend that cheated on her , and anyone else who knew about it and didn't tell her . They vandalize houses and cars with spray paint and fish, then sneak into SeaWorld as the cherry atop this vigilante sundae. when the night ends Quentin is excited that he and Margo are friends again he is so excited to comes to school the next day and continued on the now he thinks changed friendship so he can go back to being best friend with the girl he secretly loves but the next day at school she never comes back to school
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