Paper towns
The book Paper Towns all begins on a usual beautiful Florida day. Quentin Jacobson is playing in his drive way when a girl moves right across the street and as soon as she see this girl he instantly falls in love with her and her name was ,Margo Roth Spiegelman. the two kids become best friends over time because they live across the street from each other even thought he has a secret love for marg. then one day the two nine-year-old kids are playing in the park. The birds are chirping, sun is shining. They are riding around the park until they come upon a man laying under a tree look as if he is in need, so Margo runs over to see he is ok and it so happens that the man happen to be a dead body decomposing . Quentin Jacobson and Margo Roth Spiegelman, run home to tell their parents. disgusted by the sight of the body Quentin wants to push the whole finding-a-dead-body thing from his mind, but Margo finds out the man killed himself and wonders why. so about two nights later Margo sneaks in to Quentin room telling her the info she knows about the man and finds out a clue that he worked a sea world and want to go to look for clues and solve this mystery but when she asks her best friend Quentin. he punks out and tells her he doesn't want to get in trouble. he leaves his best friend alone to go solve it by her self so she leaves and that begins the end to there best friend friendship. Then Nine years later, Margo and Quentin are both now eighteen and seniors in high school. She comes to Quentin's window in the middle of the night. They haven't really talked since the Dead Body Day but now Margo needs a favor. She needs Quentin to drive her around on a spree of revenge against Jase Worthington, who is her boyfriend that cheated on her , and anyone else who knew about it and didn't tell her . They vandalize houses and cars with spray paint and fish, then sneak into SeaWorld as the cherry atop this vigilante sundae. when the night ends Quentin is excited that he and Margo are friends again he is so excited to comes to school the next day and continued on the now he thinks changed friendship so he can go back to being best friend with the girl he secretly loves but the next day at school she never comes back to school
We read the same book! I really like this book and how you summarized it!