Thursday, December 10, 2015

In my last log post I being to tell you how Marjane was just being to tell her story on how the revolutions is happening in her country and how she was just seeing changes but she was too young to truly understand why it was happening . Well now Marjane is now older and a lot has happened such as people being burned inside of movies theaters ,massacres happen " Black Friday the day there were so many killed in one neighborhood that the Israeli soldiers where responsible for it "pg 39 just from those two incident was just to tell how far the revolution has evolved and how serious it really got .marjane is also starting to have an option to this because she is getting older and what she is going through and her experience .  In the book it went from people being told what to wear to people being killed and burned alive in buildings and whole neighborhood kills being to happen to people being a arrested for going gains the government such as siamak and Mohshen . When I read this it all reminded  me of another revolutions that we will never forget and that's the holocaust how it all started with Jew having to being identified such as they did with the veils to it becoming extreme to mass killing and people being treated differently because of what they believe in which is wrong this book talks about real events that could happen in any country possibly but I like this being because it's real like books that's  sugar coat and tell lies are horrible but books like this that tell real life experience is what people should read.

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