Thursday, December 10, 2015

the book Persepolis by Marjane  Satrapi the author explains what she has been threw in her life using more of a comic book look with picture to help explan her story. In the beginng she starts off from when it first starts with the veil. It starts when she is 10 years old in school beings with how they were forced to wear a veil during school ."we didn't really like to wear the veil,especially since we didn't understand why we had to"pg 3 as kids they didn't understand why they had to wear their veils but they really hated it because they had no clue why . This was just the being of her seening change such as "all bilingual schools must be closed , they are symbols of capitalism" pg 4 and she also being separated from her school. All this why happening and she didn't know why because she was young she didn't understand such as when 9/11 happened and we was all young we didn't really understand why it was happening we just knew what we could understand that a building went down but we really didn't know that it was all the beginning to a terroristic war , and same is with her she only know they had to wear the veil but didn't understand that a whole revolution is about to happen in her own country. The beginning of the book is what really pulled me in because its a little girl that's she changes in her country but doesn't understand why it's happen and the whole big picture . It's a good book so far she puts a lot of emotion in this book I would recommend this to someone who likes book  that's come from people personal life's .

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